Getting the nattiest look outta street shopping!

 Sie da leute!This is selfieholic_butterfly helping you guys out with the modern world look in reasonable price.

Points to consider while street shopping!

·  Look for unconventional duds and colors.

·   Dont be an early bird while selecting the clothes.

·   Size doesn't matter if you crave for the piece of cloth. Modifications can be done in less amount of money.       

Select the comfy dresses.if you love something but its not your size then i suggest you to buy it and let your neighborhood darzee [दरजी] help you out! Just make sure that the shoulder and armholes fit you proper and if you are buying a large size jeans make sure that the stitches are not visible.

  •  Analyse the quality of threads before buying.

 Most of products in street market are export rejects so make sure that they are not torn out.check every edges,stitches and the color (NO WASHED OFF COLOR)
             if you really come across the best thing and cheap (but needs a little work) like fixing  a broken button then dont give up on such issues they can be fixed out!   

  • EXCITED!! keep it to yourself!                                                                                spotted a pretty,sexy outfit and cant wait to buy it? well,i will suggest you to relax the butterflies in your stomach and main thing you need to concentrate is BARGAINING .. YES PEOPLE,if you seem too excited about buying a product the shopkeeper will never considering lowering a price much and you might lose the great deal.(do not finger out the particular product with excitement)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • MAIN -BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN(THE THING I LOVE MOST)                                                                                                                   I would say  we indian's are the best negotiators or bargainers i have ever encountered. As soon as the shopkeeper sees your eyes usually widen slightly,get a little twinkle of rupees sign and big smile on your face -AAB TOH BETA TUM GAYE !!!!! Then you ask,HOW MUCH?(bhaiya kitne ka hai?)so here the game is on. I suggest you to half the price what the shopkeeper says and please dont feel shy or awkward doing these.sometimes they says unexpected price that time just say them -BHAIYA SAHI SAHI BATAIYE VARNA REHENE DO! And leave the shop they will definitely call you back freaking out-LEELO!!! And trust me,you really need not  feel embarrassed about bargaining.SO JUST KEEP CALM AND BARGAIN ON!!!                           

Image result for bargain

Original cost-450 rs
Bargain price-100

original cost-250 rs
Bargain price-20 rs
original cost-200 rs
bargain price-50 rs
TOTAL=170 rs 

SO DO YOU AGREE?come back here andi would love to know what you think!
i bet you will have something to say:)
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see you soon guys!!!BYE-BYE


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